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Why you should visit Cattana Wetlands

Over the 3 years that I have been living in Far North Queensland, Cattana wetlands has become one of my favorite photography locations. So much so that earlier this month I took my photo club there. Members who have lived in the area for decades had never visited this place. They quickly understood why this is one of my favorite places. I know they will definitely visit it again. Just another reason to join your local photo club. Cattana Wetlands is located 20km north of Cairns in a suburb called Smithfield. The entrance to the carpark is off a roundabout on Dunne Road. From the carpark there are many sealed and flat (grade1) walking tracks around the various different lakes. You will also find BBQ’s, seating, viewing platforms and bird hides spread around the site. The 80ha Environmental Park was at one time a sugar cane farm and sand quarry. In 1993 the local council brought the land and allowed the empty quarry pits to fill with both salt and fresh water. They also planted over 70,000 native plants and removed weeds from the area. Nowadays these lakes have become home to many species of wild birds, both residents and migratory. These are not just limited to water birds, but also include parrots, bee eaters, sunbirds, turkeys and many more tree dwelling species. On the water some of the birds you can find include Jacanas, Jabiru’s, Kingfishers, ducks, and cormorants.

However this is not just a place for bird photography, the landscape is beautiful and is a great location to get some sunset shots.

Macro photography can also be done here with lots of beautiful insects and flowers.

And don’t forget all the patterns in nature. This truly is a great location.

More information about the location can be found here.

Make sure to share your photos from Cattana Wetland in my Facebook group.


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