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What are your contact hours?

You can send me a message anytime and I will respond asap. My working hours are mon-fri 10am- 4pm.

What type of photography do you specialise in?

I specialise in nature photography although I have worked in almost every type of photography over the years. 

Where are you based?

I am currently in Mossman/Port Douglas in Far North Queensland, Australia. However I do have some services and products which can be accessed online, including courses, private lessons, books and prints. 

Are there free resources available for customers, including non-members?

Absolutely! Head to the Free Resources page to find out more.  

I have a disability, can I still take part in your courses/lessons/tours?

Yes of course. Please contact me to discuss your specific needs and how we can accomodate them. 

Yes I have a range of courses, lessons and tours which are suitable for beginners and start with the very basics. If you need help deciding which is the best course, lesson or tour for you please contact me. 

Are your courses/lessons/tours designed for beginners?

What if I am a more experienced photographer, can I still take part in your courses/lessons/tours?

Yes I have a range of courses, lessons and tours which are suitable for more advanced photographers and can be customised to your specific needs. If you need help deciding which is the best course, lesson or tour for you please contact me

What type of camera do I need to participate in your courses/lessons/tours?

For the majority of my courses/lessons/tours you can use any camera including a smart phone camera. The exception is the Get To Know Your Camera course which is designed for mirrorless or DSLR cameras. If you need help deciding which is the best course, lesson or tour for you please contact me

How many people are in your group courses/lessons/tours?

I keep group sizes small (always less than 10 people). This allows for plenty of 1 on 1 time to get personalised help and assistance. For specific information please see the corresponding landing page or contact me. 

What is the difference between a photo tour and a workshop?

A workshop has a much more structured itinerary that is more about learning techniques and fundamentals than about the location, although the location can be critical to creating the right environment for what the workshop strives to teach. A workshop includes lecture and classroom time, field demonstrations, group location shoots, student assignments and critique sessions.
A tour is location specific and is primarily about getting the best images possible by taking students to locations at the best times and lighting. On location, I offer advise on how to best capture the scene(s) we are at. On a tour, there is a lot more one on one, personalised help and tips to improve your photography. I also tell you information and stories about the location we are visiting, making a tour about much more that just photography. 

What measures are you taking to be sustainable and eco-friendly?

Sustainability and eco-friendliness are integral to my operations.

Every course, tour, and lesson is meticulously planned to minimise environmental impact. From choosing locations with care to utilising efficient transportation methods, I prioritise sustainability at every step. I carefully vet suppliers and partners based on their commitment to sustainability and eco-friendliness

During the courses, tours and lessons I actively promote environmental consciousness among my students. From encouraging them to avoid stepping on plants to using designated bins for waste disposal, I install a sense of responsibility for the natural world.

I believe that every action, no matter how small, contributes to a more sustainable future. 

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