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5 Reasons to join a photography club

Two and a half years ago I joined a photography club and it was one of the best decisions I have made since being in Australia. Not just for my photography career but also for my social life. I have enjoyed the experience so much that I have now become the president of the Douglas Photographic Society.

Here is some reasons why you should consider joining your local club:

  1. Meet fellow photographers – A lot of photographers like to shoot alone and this is what puts them off joining a club. If this is you then have a think for a minute. Do you have a friend or relative that you can sit down and have a good chat about photography with? Probably not, in-fact they are probably fed up of hearing about how great your new lens is. The people at your local photography club will never get sick of talking photography.

  2. Learn from other photographers – Whether it is just having a chat with another photographer about a problem you are having, or attending a workshop run by the club, or having a photo critiqued; you will always be learning. This can only improve your photography.

  3. Share your knowledge – Even if you are just a beginner there is always something you know that others don’t. For those of you with a bit more experience, taking some time to sit down with a newbie and show them how to change a setting on their camera can really make you feel good. After all, that’s your good deed for the day done.

  4. Get inspired – often a big part of being in a photo club is sharing your photos and having a chat about them. Yes this will help you learn but, you can also get a look at what other photographers are doing and get inspiration for your next shoot. Inspiration may also come from the many workshops and outings which are run by the club.

  5. Explore your local area – Most clubs run outings to local places (sometimes interstate or international places as well). These outing may be to places you have never been before or places you never thought would be good for photography. These outings are a great way to check a place out, you can always go back later alone to take more shots. Also going as a group will often entitle you to some discounted entry fees.

Whatever your excuse is for not joining, get rid of it. If you enjoy photography and want to get better at it there is no better, cheaper or easier way to do so!

Here are some links for clubs you might want to join. Douglas Photographic Society F.N.Q photographers club Sydney Photography Club If you know any more drop the links in the comments


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