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Which photography competitions are worth entering?

There are many different photography competitions out there and it is impossible to enter them all. So how do you choose which ones are worth your time?

Here is some key point to focus on:

Google photography competitions.

Start with a google search

A quick and simple google search will give you a list of competitions available to enter. You can simply search for the best photography competitions that year, or you could refine your search by your photographic style.

Do you have photos which fit the categories?

There is no point in wasting time looking at a street photography competition when you mainly shoot in a studio. Most competitions have multiple categories so when you visit the competitions webpage be sure to check out what the categories are first.

Read the small print

Every competition has different rules and entry requirements. Make sure that your images fit all of these before you enter to ensure you don’t get disqualified.

Also check the copyright statement, make sure you are not going to be giving away any rights which you don’t want to. Common copyright clauses include the use of your images for promotional purposes and the prevention of you being able to enter this image to other competitions 

Check the entry fee

Some competitions are free, whilst other charge. The bigger the competition generally the higher the fee. Can you justify spending this much on a competition? If not maybe put it aside until next year.

What are the prizes

Often the prizes are related to how much you are paying for the competition and therefore the higher the entry the better the prize.

But you may not be interested in all of the prizes out there. Have a think about what you would do with the prize if you won. If you are not sure, then maybe this competition isn’t worth your time or money.

If you haven’t already, please check out our previous blog; Should you be entering photography competitions?


Our next blog will be on how to choose which images to enter to photography competitions






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