There are many accessories that you can buy for photography. So in this article I am going to tell you what my top 10 accessories are for wildlife photography. You don’t need to have any or all of these to take amazing wildlife photos, but having them will make the process much easier and more enjoyable.
1.    Telephoto Lens
With most wildlife you are going to struggle to get close to it so having a long telephoto lens will make it much easier to get photos of your desired animal from a reasonable distance.

2.    Macro Lens
The other type of lens you might be interested in getting is a macro lens. This can be used for smaller subjects, such as insects, frogs and lizards. A macro lens allows you to get very close to your chosen animal and still focus.

3.    Tripod
Long telephoto lenses can be quite heavy and holding your camera for hours can cause strain on your wrist and result in long term injuries or problems. Therefore, it is a good idea to carry a tripod with you. This means that you don’t have to hold the camera the whole time and can give your hand a rest. A tripod is also great for those subjects which are not moving much or keep coming back to the same location. You can set up your shot and just wait for the perfect moment to press the button.
4.    Spare Battery
To get that perfect wildlife shot you are likely to be out in the field for hours at a time. Carrying at least one spare battery with you will ensure that you don’t run out of power just before the action happens and you miss the shot.
5.    Small Reflector
A lot of macro subjects are often hiding in places with undesirable light. A small reflector or piece of white card can help to bring light back into the shadows and create a more even light across your subject.
6.    Head torch
For the best wildlife photos you are probably going to be out in the early morning or evening. Therefore, it is always a good idea to carry a head torch with you. This will not only help you to see where you are going but also help you to find subjects in the dark.
7.    Camera bag
As mentioned before you are likely to be out in the field for a long time doing wildlife photography and you may be walking long distances to find your subject, so a comfortably camera bag is essential. I recommend a backpack style with padded shoulder straps and a waste strap. Make sure the bag you choose has plenty of room to carry all of your gear, snacks, water and a first aid kit.
8.    Rain Cover
A rain cover will not just protect your camera and lens from water but also dust. Looking after your gear is essential to ensure that it is still working for your next shoot. You have spent a lot of money on this gear so look after it. When buying a rain cover make sure it is big enough to cover your longest lens.
9.    Clothing
Wearing the right clothes is important for photographing wildlife. Bright colours can scare your subject making it impossible to get the shot, so stick to dull colours, dark greens and blues which blend into the environment are the best. Also think about practicality something with lots of pockets to store your lens cap and spare batteries is always good, and something to keep your warm in colder climates or cool in warmer climates.
10. Guide Books/apps
Finally the best way to get great photos of wildlife is to know as much about them as possible. Do some research before you go but also taking a guide book or having an app on your phone which can give you information whist out in the field can really help in getting that shot.
As I said at the beginning of this article your do not need any of these accessories to get a great photo of wildlife but having them can make your life a bit easier, so think about what you need and invest in the thing which is going to help you the most.